Set PC RF8
Kontrolní relé - Hlídání proudové zátěže

Set PC RF8

Kontrolní relé - Hlídání proudové zátěže

Set PC RF8


The set consists of a control unit PC RF8 and two actuators RX.16A, designed for the management of absorbed power. In case of simultaneous startings of domestic appliances, this set prevents the disconnection of the general switch by disconnecting a not priority load if the power absorption is higher than the set value (setpoint), avoiding a blackout. The remote actuators are designed to be wall-mounted into a module box to activate or deactivate loads, according to signals coming from the control unit PC RF8. Control unit and actuators communicate by radio-frequency signals, without wire connections between the devices. In case of need, if the absorbed power exceeds the set threshold, the control unit can be programmed to give a priority of disconnection to eache device, avoiding therefore a blackout. In the package two actuators to control loads (or load groups) are included. It is also possible to buy other actuators to control more loads (maximum 8 loads).

More details on the radio frequency actuator: RX.16A.


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