Oikos Wi-Fi.NOW Nero
Oikos Wi-Fi.NOW Nero
Built-in smart wi-fi thermostat with mains power supply, manageable entirely by app. Thanks to the compact size of only two modules and the absence of a screen, it appears invisible, minimal and unobtrusive.
What is a smart wi-fi thermostat?
The smart wi-fi thermostat with weekly programming is an innovative device designed to interact synergistically with its surroundings. It detects temperature changes and with its advanced technology automatically optimizes the home climate, ensuring comfort and energy efficiency.
Smart management via the Clima Vemer App
Thanks to the Clima Vemer App, you can manage all Vemer devices within your home and/or office individually or collectively, even setting the most comfortable temperature for each room remotely.
Learn more about the features of the new app >> DISCOVER NOW.
Smart remote control
Why is Oikos Wi-Fi.NOW a smart thermostat? Because thanks to the integrated wi-fi module, it allows the thermostat to be managed in a smart way via:
- the "Clima Vemer" app, available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets
- the Amazon Alexa voice assistant
- the Google Home voice assistant
All this allows you to adjust the temperature remotely or with your own voice.
What if the wi-fi connection goes out?
Thanks to the Bluetooth connection of the smartphone, it is possible to enable local functioning and manage/program the smart thermostat temporarily without changing the settings in the cloud until the wi-fi connection is restored.
Energy saving
The Oikos Wi-Fi.NOW chronothermostat, thanks to weekly programming, allows you to set 3 temperature levels optimizing energy use especially when you are away from home or during the night. All this results in lower utility bills and reduced environmental impact.
Total compatibility
To meet everyone's design needs Oikos Wi-Fi.NOW is available in different shades and supports to install the device exclusively with BTicino's Living Now cover frame are included.
Installation tips
For proper configuration of the smart thermostat, it is essential to check that the 2.4 GHz frequency band is enabled in the router settings.
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