Solutions for the absorbed power control
08 January 2015

Control the power and save energy

995x2000 29748

The power consumption management of power appliances is a daily matter, mostly inside your home.  

Oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, along  with the other domestic appliances, contribute to overload the electrical system, with the risk of disconnection of the general switch.

For this purpose Vemer has designed a new range of products able to monitor the power absorption of your residential installations, in order to intervene in case of overload, disconnecting not priority loads. 

Our offer

The range of devices to control the absorbed power provides solutions for every single need.
All these devices are designed to provide autonomously to disconnect not priority loads if the power absorption is higher  than the set value, therefore ensuring the continuity of the service.

PC1R provides the disconnection of a not priority single load if the measured power absorption exceeds the set value (set-point).

PC3R provides the disconnection of  up to three not priority loads  when the measured power absorption exceeds the set value (set-point). It is possible to set the order of the load disconnection (from one up to three loads).

The radio-frequency solution


PC RF8 is the radio-frequency solution allows removing structural limits from the installation, because there is no wire connection between the devices.
It consists of  a control unit  PC RF8 measuring the absorbed power and of one or more remote actuators RX.16A, installed directly into the power socket to activate or deactivate loads, according to signals coming from the control unit.
PCRF8 can control up to 8 power sockets managing the same number of remote actuators. Every actuator must be programmed to give a priority of disconnection in case the set value (set-point) exceeds.

To further simplify the installation, Vemer proposes the Set PCRF8 made of already configured module box and of two remote actuators; and if it is necessary it is possible to buy other actuators to control more loads (maximum 8 loads).

The solar control

Solar-3 is the solution designed to maximize the self-produced energy by your photovoltaic system, in order to maximize the energy self-consumption.

The device activates not priority loads (for ex. dishwasher or washing machine) only when the quantity of energy inserted in the power supply (power surplus) exceeds the set value (set-point).

Solar 3 can independently manage up to 3 loads and give to every load a deactivation order priority.

995x2000 29749

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