Wall smart thermostat with trippers, daily programming and battery power supply.
What is a smart thermostat with simplified programming?
The smart thermostat with simplified programming is a device used to weekly control and program the heating or cooling of a room. Simplified programming makes the process of setting schedules more accessible and intuitive, making the device ideal for those who want automatic temperature control but without the complexity of advanced program options.
Why choose a Hipnos device
The Hipnos smart thermostat is characterized by its high level of practicality and ease of pogramming, it has 24 sliders, one for each hour of the day, each of which can be set to 15 different temperature levels. It is possible to distinguish the heating mode from the cooling mode thanks to the different colors of the sliders (red and blue).
Energy saving
Thanks to its daily programming, the smart thermostat allows you to optimize energy use at home. Specific times can be programmed for heating or cooling, thus reducing energy waste when you are away from home or during the night. This results in lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.
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