Memo AST2
Memo AST2
Timed astronomical twilight switch with daily or weekly programming, 230 V AC power supply, 2 relays and DIN rail installation (2 modules). The device is equipped with NFC interface. Vemer also provides Memo AST1, with 1 relay.
What is an astronomical twilight switch?
An astronomical twilight switch is a device designed for digitally control the switching on and off of electrical circuits. Thanks to an internal program and a direct connection to the electrical system, the switch turns electricity on or off at a specific time or according to sunrise and sunset conditions. The astronomical twilight switch is particularly suitable for store lighting, illuminated signs, and fountains.
How it works
The astronomical twilight switch works thanks to software inside the device, which allows it to calculate when the sun rises and when it sets. This is possible thanks to programs inside the instrument that allow it to analyze the latitude and longitude at which the device is located, depending on the geographical area set. The astronomical twilight switch battery has a life of five years and can be easily replaced when exhausted thanks to the flap on the back of the device.
Remote control
By downloading the Memo application, thanks to the NFC interface, it is possible to pair smartphones and tablets to the device. The possible functions are varied:
- Create programs directly on your smartphone
- Transfer created programs to multiple memo clocks
- Capture programs from a memo and copy them to another memo with the copy/paste command
- Switch the relay outputs manually
- Capture settings such as date, time or coordinates automatically and transfer them to the memo
How the product looks like
The device has the size of 2 DIN. There is a large backlit display on the front of the switch to display the date, time, relay status, and textual guidance.
Keypad lock function
The device has a "keypad lock" function with password, which is useful, for example, for installations in public places, prevents settings from being changed by unauthorized persons.
Other power supplies are available for all models on request.
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